
Comer Cracks Down on DOE Waste, Summons Granholm

House Oversight Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) took a bold step in the name of transparency and accountability by inviting Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to testify at an upcoming oversight hearing. In a letter acquired by The Daily Caller, Comer laid out a laundry list of issues he wants Granholm to address, including the DOE’s mishandling of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the abrupt stoppage of liquified natural gas exports, among other questionable decisions that have cost American taxpayers dearly.

It’s about time someone held the Biden Administration’s feet to the fire for their reckless environmental policies and burdensome regulations. Granholm’s jet-setting, taxpayer-funded joyride in a shiny new electric vehicle is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to wasteful spending and bureaucratic incompetence. Republicans like Comer are doing the Lord’s work in shining a spotlight on these absurdities.

Despite Comer’s best efforts to schedule a hearing with Granholm, the DOE has been dragging its feet and playing games by offering up a mere deputy for testimony. This is the epitome of disrespect for the oversight process and a blatant attempt to dodge hard questions. The American people deserve straight answers from the person ultimately responsible for the DOE’s actions, not some understudy looking to cover for their boss.

Comer’s no-nonsense approach to demanding accountability is a breath of fresh air in the swampy corridors of Washington, D.C. By setting a firm deadline for a response to his invitation, he’s making it clear that he won’t tolerate any further stalling tactics from the Department of Energy. Let’s hope Granholm has the guts to face the music on May 15 and answer for the mess she and her agency have created.

Written by Staff Reports

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