
Cuomo Exploits Tourette’s Guest for Liberal Sympathy Points – You Won’t Believe What She Says

On Tuesday’s episode of “Cuomo,” the liberal host, Chris Cuomo, decided to bring on Baylen Dupree, a young woman with Tourette’s Syndrome. Now, of course, we should have expected this from Cuomo – showcasing someone with a neurological disorder just to virtue signal and promote his liberal agenda. But let’s dive into this interview and see what actually went down.

During the interview, Dupree openly talked about her disorder, aiming to educate the viewers. She made it clear that not everyone with Tourette’s has the swearing tics that are often associated with the condition. And yet, what do we see? Dupree herself spewing out profanities left and right, giving us a real-time demonstration of what living with Tourette’s is like. Isn’t that just ironic?

In a humorously cringe-worthy moment, she unleashed a string of expletives directed at Cuomo himself. “Little baby weenies, f*ck off, f*ck you, Chris!” she exclaimed candidly. And if that wasn’t enough, she kept going with insults about bananas and biscuits. Classy, huh?

While the focus was mainly on Dupree’s antics, she did briefly touch on the challenges she faces due to Tourette’s. It affects her social interactions and educational experiences, she claimed. But let’s not dwell on the negatives, because, according to Dupree, it’s all rainbows and butterflies. She has her family’s support, and apparently, that makes everything A-okay.

Cuomo, ever the sensitive soul, tried his best to navigate the interview. He even acknowledged Dupree’s bravery for sharing her story in such a public manner. You know what’s even braver, Chris? Asking tough questions and holding left-wing politicians accountable for their actions. Now, that would be a sight to see.

And of course, the reactions to this strange interview were a mix of confusion, disbelief, and a healthy dose of secondhand embarrassment. Viewers were left scratching their heads, wondering why Cuomo thought it was a good idea to bring Dupree on. But hey, at least he got his virtue signaling points for the day, right?

This whole interview was nothing more than a liberal attempt to tug at our heartstrings and play the sympathy card. It’s just another example of the mainstream media exploiting individuals with disabilities for their own agenda. We don’t need these sob stories; we need real news and real discussions. Enough with the showboating, Cuomo.

Written by Staff Reports

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