
Cuomo Flirts with Trump Turnabout: Dems in Disarray!

Things are not looking good for ol’ Biden! It looks like even the most hardcore Dems are starting to see the light and considering jumping ship to vote for none other than the infamous Donald Trump. That’s right, former CNN loudmouth Chris Cuomo is openly mulling over the idea of casting his vote for Trump in the next election. The Dems must be shaking in their boots!

Cuomo spilled the beans on the “PBD Podcast” in which he didn’t hold back on his thoughts about Biden’s leadership. He mentioned that while Biden was kind after his father passed away, he doesn’t see ol’ Joe as the best candidate for president. In fact, he went on to say that a second Trump presidency might not be so bad after surviving the first one.

And there’s more where that came from! Cuomo didn’t hold back, expressing that he’s not afraid of another Trump term, just as he’s not scared of enduring another Biden presidency. He made it crystal clear that he would have to see where things stand before deciding who to cast his vote for. But it seems pretty dang clear that Trump is a top contender in his book!

Now, let’s not forget the rumors spinning about the Dems turning their backs on Biden, possibly gearing up for former First Lady Michelle Obama or California Gov. Gavin Newsom to take the reins in 2024. Is this the beginning of the end for ol’ Joe? Will the Dems turn their backs on their once beloved president? It looks like things are starting to unravel. Yikes!

Written by Staff Reports

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