
Delaware Senate Passes Controversial Assisted Suicide Bill

The Delaware Senate just took a dark turn on Tuesday by passing a bill that opens the door for doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. If Governor John Carney signs it, Delaware will join the dubious ranks of ten other states that have approved such controversial measures.

The bill didn’t go through without a ruckus. It was a nail-biter in the 21-member chamber, squeaking by with an 11-10 vote. The real kicker was Democratic state Sen. Kyra Hoffner, who suddenly found her backbone and voted for the bill after mysteriously sitting on the sidelines last week. She claimed to have had an emotional epiphany over the weekend after chatting with both supporters and detractors. Bless her heart.

As expected, Republicans were the voice of reason in this Democratic-dominated circus. State Senate Minority Whip Brian Pettyjohn made it crystal clear that endorsing assisted suicide sends a grim message that some lives are less valuable. He underscored the point that this dangerous procedure lacks endorsement from any major medical organization. So much for trusting the science, huh?

GOP state Sen. David Lawson didn’t mince words either, calling the legislation despicable. It’s about time someone said what everyone else is thinking. Meanwhile, Delaware Senate Majority Leader Brian Townsend attempted the mental gymnastics of spinning assisted suicide as “empowering” for terminally ill patients. Guess Orwellian doublespeak isn’t just a thing of the past.

The Delaware House of Representatives also passed the bill by a hair, further illustrating how deeply divided this issue is. Only a minuscule fraction of states in the U.S. have legalized this practice, and for good reason. If Governor Carney gives this bill the green light, adult residents diagnosed with a terminal illness and expected to die within six months could start requesting lethal drugs. Of course, they’ll have to jump through a few hoops first, like making three requests and waiting for a doctor or nurse’s approval. Bureaucracy at its finest.

No word yet from the governor’s office, but Delawareans can only hope common sense prevails, and this bill is tossed where it belongs — the trash.

Written by Staff Reports

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