
DeSantis Hits Rough Patch, Now on Par with Christie in NH Tug-of-War!

In a recent c0-efficient poll conducted by the New Hampshire Journal, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has received some worrisome news. For the first time since entering the race, DeSantis is polling in the single digits, finding himself tied with former New Jersey governor Chris Christie. Ouch! Looks like DeSantis is in some hot water!

On the brighter side, former President Trump is still leading the GOP presidential field by a landslide. Despite losing four percentage points from the previous poll, Trump managed to secure a whopping 43 percent of the vote. This gives him a +34 net lead over his closest rivals, DeSantis and Christie. Talk about dominance!

Speaking of DeSantis and Christie, it seems like they are engaged in a fierce battle for the second spot. DeSantis’s support took a hit, dropping by four percentage points from the last poll in mid-June. This puts him on the same level as Christie, who has been polling in the low single digits nationally but is gaining traction in the Granite State. It’s a neck-and-neck race, folks!

What’s even more concerning for DeSantis is that Chris Christie, the notorious Trump critic, is proving to be more popular than him. A recent poll found that Christie was the most disliked GOP candidate by a significant margin. Ouch! Losing out to someone who is disliked is definitely not a good sign for DeSantis.

To add insult to injury, the DeSantis campaign decided to shake things up by replacing their campaign manager, Generra Peck, with the governor’s longtime chief of staff, James Uthmeier. Looks like they’re trying to turn things around, but only time will tell if it makes a difference.

On the bright side for Trump, the co-efficient poll revealed that a staggering 62 percent of GOP respondents in New Hampshire would still vote for him even if he is convicted of a felony by the Biden DOJ. It seems like Trump’s favorability among GOP voters remains sky-high, with 57 percent approving of him in the Granite State. Trump sure knows how to win over his supporters!

All in all, DeSantis is facing some tough competition from Christie and is even losing ground to him. Meanwhile, Trump continues to dominate the GOP field, leaving his rivals in the dust. It’s going to be an interesting race, that’s for sure!

Written by Staff Reports

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