
DeSantis Vows to Throw Every Biden-Era Illegal Migrant Out! Crisis Over?

Gov. Ron DeSantis from the great state of Florida, a true American patriot, is making a bold promise to the American people: if he is elected, he will create one of the strongest borders the U.S. has ever seen. And let’s be honest, folks, our border needs some serious help. President Joe Biden, the man who couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag, has created a devastating crisis the moment he stepped foot into office. But fear not, DeSantis is here to fix it.

According to DeSantis, under the disastrous Biden Administration, a whopping six to seven million people have come into our country illegally. That’s a whole lot of illegal folks, folks. But don’t worry, DeSantis promises to kick them all out. And let’s not forget, he even called out former President Trump for not fully delivering on his promise to secure the border during his first term. A bit harsh, perhaps, but DeSantis is a man who isn’t afraid to speak his mind.

DeSantis wants to make sure the states have a say in our border policies, because let’s face it, folks, they’re the ones who have to deal with the consequences of illegal immigration. He believes that if someone crosses the border and enters a state illegally, the state’s government should have the power to send them right back where they came from. I mean, why go through all the legal mumbo jumbo when we can just get things done, right? DeSantis is all about efficiency, and I like that.

But folks, DeSantis doesn’t stop there. No, sir. He has unveiled an aggressive plan to send the mighty U.S. military into Mexico to take down those deadly Mexican cartels. That’s right, he’s not messing around. He’s calling it “No Excuses” and “Stop the Invasion.” I’ve got to say, folks, that’s a pretty catchy slogan. And let me tell you, if you’re a drug trafficker thinking about bringing your poison into our country, DeSantis has a special message for you: you’ll end up “stone cold dead.” Talk about tough talk, folks.

And here’s a stat for you: Biden is turning a lower percentage of border-crossing migrants back into Mexico than his predecessor. That’s just embarrassing, folks. We need a leader who can get things done, and it’s clear that DeSantis is the man for the job. In August alone, Border Patrol agents made a whopping 181,509 arrests at the Mexican border. That’s a 37 percent increase from July. We need someone like DeSantis who can take charge and secure our border once and for all.

So remember, folks, DeSantis is promising to create one of the strongest borders the U.S. has ever seen. He’s not afraid to take on the cartels and send them running. And he’s all about giving the states the power to send illegal immigrants packing. It’s time we had a leader who puts America first, and DeSantis is that leader. Let’s make America safe again!

Written by Staff Reports

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