
Disney Gambles on Radical Feminist for “Star Wars” — Fans Brace for Impact

Disney continues to make head-scratching decisions, this time by hiring activist and documentary filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy to direct the next “Star Wars” movie. With her track record of making men uncomfortable and her clear disdain for roughly half the human population, it’s no wonder conservatives are raising their eyebrows. Who in the world thought it was a good idea to hand over a multi-billion dollar franchise to someone who is on the record as saying, “I like to make men uncomfortable”?

It’s not just her man-hating attitude that’s concerning; it’s also her radical feminist agenda. In a 2015 interview with Jon Stewart, Obaid-Chinoy revealed her belief that “men are a**holes.” And now, she’s been given the keys to one of the most beloved and iconic franchises in cinema history. It’s enough to make any rational person wonder what Disney is thinking.

And let’s not forget the market research. People don’t go to “Star Wars” movies to be lectured about social issues or made to feel uncomfortable about themselves. They go for the epic space battles, the lightsabers, and the timeless struggle between good and evil. But it seems that Disney is more interested in pushing a woke agenda than in creating entertaining films.

It’s no surprise that commentator Matt Walsh predicts that this movie will be a colossal flop. With Disney’s recent track record of bad decisions and declining box office performance, it’s clear that they are out of touch with their audience. When will they learn that their job is to make entertaining films, not to engage in social engineering?


Written by Staff Reports

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