
Elon Musk Blasts TV News Fantasy, Slams ‘Fake’ Border Bill

In a recent social media post, Elon Musk, the billionaire business mogul, didn’t hold back his thoughts on the legacy media, declaring that people who rely on traditional TV news are basically living in an alternate dimension of fakeness. Musk shared a video clip from ABC News discussing President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump’s border visits, and he made it clear that he wasn’t buying into the narrative.

According to Musk, the coverage of the so-called bipartisan border deal was nothing but a sham. The proposed reforms, which were lauded as the toughest in decades, were, in Musk’s view, nothing more than a welcome mat for endless migration. He harshly criticized the “Border Bill,” stating that it deserved to die a quick death and expressing disgust for those who backed it.

ABC’s reporting painted a picture of President Biden allegedly shouldering blame for the collapse of the border deal due to pressure from Donald Trump. The network’s coverage suggested that the proposed legislation would have implemented stricter asylum rules, daily limits on border crossings, and a hefty infusion of funds for security. However, Musk wasn’t buying into the spin, and he made his disdain for the portrayed reforms abundantly clear.

In response to the coverage, the Biden-Harris camp seemingly embraced the narrative put forward by ABC News, while Musk remained highly critical. He expressed his belief that the proposed reforms were detrimental and lambasted those who lent their support to the bill. Musk’s unapologetic and no-holds-barred commentary underscores his skepticism toward the legacy media’s portrayal of political events, signaling a break from the mainstream narrative and a suggestion to look beyond the traditional news sources.

Written by Staff Reports

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