
Ex-CNN Producer’s Sick Crime: 19 Years Behind Bars, Media Silent!

Once again, the liberal media has failed to report on yet another disgusting sexual predator – and a former CNN producer at that! John Griffin, who worked at the left-wing propaganda network for nearly eight years, has been sentenced to 19 years in federal prison for sex crimes involving a 9-year-old girl. This is a clear example of the liberal mainstream media protecting its own, as CNN refused to report on this horrific crime until Griffin’s guilt was undeniable.

According to the details of the case, Griffin lured the young girl and her mother to his Vermont ski home using a website. He paid the mother $3,000 to bring her daughter to his property, where he proceeded to sexually assault the child. It’s disgusting to think that a so-called “journalist” was capable of such a heinous act, but it’s clear that the values of the mainstream media are completely corrupted.

Thankfully, Griffin has been brought to justice and will now serve almost two decades behind bars. He has also been barred from having contact with minors and entering areas where children congregate, a fitting punishment for such a despicable crime. But the fact remains that the liberal media has once again failed to hold their own accountable for their actions. It’s time for true conservatives to take control of the narrative and expose these criminals for who they really are.

Source: Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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Ex-CNN Producer’s Sick Crime: 19 Years Behind Bars, Media Silent!