
Fox Poll: Trump Crushes Biden by 5 Points, Independence & Youth Soar!

The new Fox News poll is causing quite a stir in the political world, especially for Joe Biden. According to the poll, former President Donald Trump is not only leading Biden, but he’s doing it by a whopping five points! As a conservative, this news is music to my ears. Trump is not only ahead in head-to-head numbers but even when other party candidates are thrown into the mix. This is the largest lead Trump has ever had in Fox polling history, and it’s a clear sign that the American people are still longing for his strong leadership.

In addition to his lead over Biden, Trump is also winning in the favorability ratings, with 45 percent of respondents viewing him favorably compared to Biden’s 39 percent. It’s clear that Trump’s America First policies are still resonating with the American people, despite the liberal media’s attempts to discredit him at every turn.

The poll also revealed some stunning numbers when it comes to independent voters and young voters. Trump is leading among independents by a significant 14-point margin, which could be crucial in swing states. Not to mention his lead among Hispanics and white women, further proving that Trump’s message of prosperity and security transcends party lines.

But perhaps the most telling statistic is the under-30 demographic, where Trump is winning by a landslide at 58-40 percent. This shows that even young voters, who are often portrayed as leaning liberal, are seeing through Biden’s failed policies and recognizing the need for a return to Trump’s America First agenda.

It’s no surprise that more than half of respondents believe they are worse off under Biden than they were four years ago. Republicans and independents overwhelmingly agree that they are worse off, while Democrats are still trying to convince themselves that everything is just fine. The fact that 38 percent of respondents couldn’t name a single accomplishment of Biden’s speaks volumes about the lackluster job he’s done in the White House. It’s clear that the American people are ready for a change, and Trump is the man to deliver it.

Written by Staff Reports

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