
Georgia GOP Chairman Calls Out Duncan for Betraying Conservative Values

Geoff Duncan, Georgia’s former lieutenant governor, has taken the express train to political oblivion, all fueled by what can only be described as a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This politician, who served from 2019 to 2023, has recently been busy penning pieces calling for Republicans to jump on the Biden bandwagon. This op-ed in a leftist rag was just the beginning of what has turned into a full-blown identity crisis—he has somehow convinced himself that there’s still a “Republican” label that fits him as he praises Kamala Harris like she’s the future of conservatism.

Georgia’s GOP Chairman, Josh McKoon, has stepped onto the field to call Duncan out. He might as well have brandished a flamethrower while doing it. In an open letter, McKoon reminded Duncan of his lack of real accomplishments outside of the GOP’s generous nominations, which Duncan seems to have taken as badges of honor. Instead of representing the party, he returned the support with a term in office characterized by embarrassment and betrayal.

The chairman didn’t hold back when he mandated that Duncan needs to stop calling himself a Republican. McKoon’s words served as a public service announcement highlighting how Duncan has deviated from conservative values, with lapses that would make even a lifelong Democrat cringe. From endorsing Biden and Harris to ignoring solid Republican candidates, Duncan’s behavior has been a buffet of leftist affection that his party, and the voters who support it, simply cannot stomach.

As if that wasn’t enough, Duncan’s flirtation with the “No Labels” movement—an idea so defunct that even the cockroaches won’t touch it—only deepened the chasm between him and the party he claims to represent. His grand declaration that he wanted to focus on “healing the Republican Party” was greeted with eye rolls rather than applause. Someone should take Duncan aside and remind him that the only healing he needs is from the delusional narrative he’s been living in.

McKoon laid out a concise list of consequences for Duncan, reminding him that political party membership comes with obligations—and those obligations do not involve currying favor with CNN while throwing sand into the gears of the GOP. Permanently banning Duncan from qualifying for Republican candidacies is just the cherry on this resignations cake. As party members across Georgia tighten the grip on their brand, Duncan is left waving his metaphorical white flag, resigned to being treated like a political pariah at any event.

The Georgia Republican Party is sending a clear message: TDS makes you toxic, and there won’t be any room for freeloaders in their political future. Duncan’s self-inflicted wounds may be too deep to heal, and driving him out of the party is a necessary defense for those conservatives who still believe in principles, values, and loyalty. Perhaps Duncan can take some time to reflect on his colorful journey from the spotlight to the sidelines, and maybe invest in a little self-awareness along the way.

Written by Staff Reports

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