
Gold Star Parents Slam Psaki and Biden for Dishonesty at Service

On Monday’s showing of the fantastic Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” America heard from the heroic Afghanistan Gold Star parents Steve Nikoui and Darin Hoover as they shared their frustration with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki for what they labeled as spreading misinformation. Psaki had the audacity to claim that reports of President Joe Biden glancing at his watch during a solemn service for fallen soldiers were false. But Nikoui and Hoover weren’t having any of it, calling out the Biden administration for its alleged pattern of dishonesty.

Nikoui, with a heavy heart, expressed his disappointment but revealed that he wasn’t shocked by the administration’s behavior. He accused them of twisting the truth, manipulating facts, and attempting to rewrite history to fit their narrative. According to Nikoui, even as he mourned the loss of his child and watched the heartbreaking sight of caskets passing by, he couldn’t ignore the apparent lack of respect shown by President Biden during the dignified ceremony. The pain of that moment will forever be etched in his memory.

Hoover didn’t hold back in his criticism of Psaki, branding her as heartless and greedy for trying to profit off the sacrifices made by their children. He didn’t mince words when he accused her of aiding the Biden administration in covering up its colossal failures in handling the Afghanistan crisis. According to Hoover, the administration’s track record is tainted with lies, with no end in sight until they reached out to supportive congressmen like Issa, Waltz, McCaul, Mills, and Mast. These congressmen listened to their grievances and are now fighting to reveal the truth, shedding light on the alleged deceitfulness of the so-called “most transparent” administration in history.

It is truly a shame that in a time of grief and mourning for these Gold Star parents, they have to contend with what they perceive as deceit and disrespect from those in power. The bravery displayed by Nikoui and Hoover in speaking out against what they see as a dishonest narrative is commendable. These families deserve transparency and honesty, not evasion and deception. Let us hope that the truth prevails, and justice is served for those who have sacrificed so much for their country. Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Written by Staff Reports

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