
Hamas Betrays Palestinians: US & EU Leaders Agree!

In a recent joint statement, the leaders of the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy have unequivocally expressed their unwavering support for Israel. They made it abundantly clear that Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement, does not represent the interests of the Palestinian people or the broader Palestinian cause. This resolute statement was prompted by the ongoing wave of terrorism orchestrated by Hamas, which has tragically resulted in over 1,000 casualties, thousands of injuries, and the unlawful detention of numerous individuals in Hamas hideouts.

The leaders underscored that there is absolutely no justification or legitimacy for the actions of Hamas, categorically designating them as terrorists. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that those who provide support to Hamas are culpable for the heinous attacks and should be recognized for what they truly are: terrorists, and not freedom fighters or militants.

President Joe Biden, employing his favored communication platform, left no room for doubt when he affirmed that the United States stands resolutely alongside Israel, regardless of the circumstances. In an analogy to his commitments to Ukraine, he reiterated that America's support for Israel remains unwavering. It is worth noting that Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by numerous nations, including the United States and the European Union.

The leaders also made it explicitly clear that Hamas does not speak on behalf of all Palestinians or represent their collective interests. While acknowledging the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, they firmly emphasized that Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed. The joint statement expressed strong backing for Israel's efforts to safeguard its citizens from these horrific acts.

Israel's history is intricate and lengthy, dating back to its establishment in 1948, a milestone that the leaders acknowledged. This includes acknowledging the significance of the Balfour Declaration, which paved the way for the creation of the Jewish state. In response to the ongoing conflict, the United States has already taken concrete measures, such as deploying a carrier strike group and providing munitions to Israel. Palestinian civilians have been urged to evacuate Hamas-occupied locations and hideouts to ensure their safety.

Finally, the leaders issued a stern warning to anyone seeking to exploit the situation. They underscored that this is not an opportunity for any party hostile to Israel to seek advantage. With their steadfast support for Israel and unambiguous condemnation of Hamas, the leaders have made it patently clear that they will not tolerate acts of terrorism or threats to Israel's security.

Written by Staff Reports

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