
Harvard President’s Plagiarism Scandal Exposed by Own Media Allies

Well, folks, it looks like Harvard President Claudine Gay is in hot water – and it’s not just us on the right saying it! Despite the liberal lovefest she usually gets in the media, even CNN and The New York Times are turning on her. It all started when she had a real train wreck of a testimony before House lawmakers about anti-Semitic incidents on campus. The right-of-center media was quick to call her out for it, and it turns out they were onto something big!

CNN and The New York Times are putting their bias aside to dig into the plagiarism allegations against Gay, and they’re not holding back. They found that not only did Gay submit corrections for two academic papers, but there are other, clearer examples of plagiarism from her career, dating all the way back to the 1990s. 

Harvard’s own rules define plagiarism as missing quotation marks and failing to list original authors’ names, and guess what? Gay was guilty of both! Even Harvard has had to admit that she screwed up, but they’re still trying to play it off like it’s not a big deal. 

But now, the mainstream media is piling on, and it’s causing even more chaos for Gay and Harvard. The New York Times called the new allegations “an embarrassing development for the university” and raised questions about the leniency Harvard has shown towards Gay. 


Written by Staff Reports

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