
Hunter Biden Attends White House Meetings After President’s Poor Debate Performance

President Biden’s troubled son Hunter is back in the spotlight, this time for attending White House meetings following his father’s lackluster debate performance. Reports from the New York Post indicate that despite his recent legal troubles, Hunter has been actively participating in high-level discussions at the White House.

Amid calls from prominent Democrats for President Biden to step down, the family gathered at Camp David to strategize on how to salvage the president’s political future. First Lady Jill Biden is reportedly leading the charge to keep her husband in the race, shifting blame for his debate performance onto his aides and advisers.

Hunter Biden, a key figure in his father’s decision to stay in the race, is said to have a newfound influence within the White House. Sources reveal that Hunter is distrustful of his father’s senior aides, and his increased involvement in White House affairs has raised eyebrows among staffers.
NBC News has corroborated Hunter’s presence in White House meetings, with sources indicating that he has taken on a close advisory role to his father. This development has sparked confusion and concern among White House staff, with some wondering about the implications of Hunter’s behind-the-scenes influence.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates defended Hunter’s involvement, citing his assistance in preparing President Biden’s recent speech on the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision. As the first son remains at the White House to celebrate the July 4 holiday with his family, his presence and influence in White House affairs continue to be a topic of discussion and debate in conservative circles.

Written by Staff Reports

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Hunter Biden Influences White House Amid Joe Biden’s Struggles and Ongoing Turmoil

Biden Scrambles to Salvage Image After Debate Debacle