
Hunter Biden Enjoys Special DOJ Privileges: Unleashed Facts by House GOP!

More details about the Biden family's business scandal are emerging, and it continues to affect Joe Biden. In response to this matter, the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to the Attorney General, asking for information about the special privileges given to Hunter Biden by David Weiss, the special counsel in the investigation.

The letter raised concerns about the investigation's integrity, including the way the Department of Justice handled Hunter Biden's lawyer. It also suggested that his name be removed from documents, and investigators were prohibited from asking about his dad or big brother during interviews.

The Republican chairs of the House Committees criticized the deal that the Department of Justice made with Hunter Biden, which eventually fell apart. They also criticized the appointment of Weiss as the special counsel, as he played a role in the collapse of the plea agreement. They questioned why Garland gave Weiss the power to make decisions, and they asked for more information about his background.

The Republican chairs of the House Committee also raised concerns about the impartiality of Weiss, who is handling the investigation, due to his connection to Hunter Biden's brother, Beau. They asked for documents related to his appointment as the special counsel.

This situation shows the double standards in how the justice system operates. While it can be used to implicate a president, the Bidens get a pass even if the evidence shows they did something wrong. This is why it's important that the rule of law is not weaponized.

It is imperative to take immediate action to cut funding and prevent further erosion of the justice system by enforcing accountability measures. The evidence clearly shows that attempts to circumvent this process are being made.

Written by Staff Reports

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