
Hunter Biden Used Father’s Position to Avoid SEC Charges in 2016 Tribal Bond Scheme

Newly surfaced documents are shedding light on Hunter Biden’s alleged use of his father’s prominent position to evade potential charges in a federal securities inquiry back in 2016. The case revolves around the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation into a tribal bond scheme, which brought Hunter’s business dealings into the spotlight.

Subpoenas were issued to various entities associated with Biden, including his former business partner Devon Archer and their joint venture, Rosemont Seneca Bohai (RSB). The Committee on Oversight claims that RSB was intricately involved in the scheme, serving as a conduit for substantial sums of money from foreign sources, some of whom directly interacted with Joe Biden during his time as Vice President. These funds allegedly found their way to Hunter.

In the midst of mounting scrutiny, Hunter himself was summoned by the SEC in March 2016 to produce a wide array of documents relating to RSB. However, his legal team swiftly shielded him from public exposure, citing the potential harm to Hunter and his father’s political standing. This maneuver, requesting utmost confidentiality due to Joe Biden’s position, raises eyebrows about possible undue influence on the investigation.

While the SEC moved forward with charges against seven individuals in the case, Hunter conspicuously escaped formal legal repercussions. Fast forward to the current political climate, where the impeachment inquiry against President Biden has redirected attention to these past events. Congressional figures like Chairman James Comer and Chairman Jim Jordan are now seeking clarity from the SEC regarding any favorable treatment Hunter may have received by being the Vice President’s son.

The unfolding narrative of Hunter Biden’s legal entanglements continues to evolve. Recent referrals to the Justice Department for alleged false statements made by Hunter, along with his felony convictions related to firearm purchases, add fuel to the fire of corruption allegations surrounding the Biden family. As the specter of influence peddling and ethical conflicts looms, the Biden administration faces mounting challenges in navigating these turbulent waters.

Written by Staff Reports

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