
In Light Of Their “Concern” For The Queen’s Health, Doctors Have Placed Her Under Close Medical Supervision

Doctors for Queen Elizabeth II of England suggested Thursday that she be under close observation.

Following an assessment on Thursday morning, the queen was advised to remain under the care of the royal medical team at her residence at Balmoral Castle, according to a statement posted on the official royal website. According to CNN, the queen has travelled to the Scottish castle with her son Prince Charles, his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, and her grandson Prince William.

Liz Truss, the current prime minister of Britain, and the monarch met on Tuesday. Wednesday's meeting between the monarch and her Privy Council was cancelled, a source informed ABC News.

Her Majesty is following her doctor's advise to rest, according to ABC, which is the only detail that was given about her illness.

The monarch permanently left Buckingham Palace in March and spent the majority of the summer conducting business from her Windsor Castle estate in Berkshire. April saw the celebration of her 96th birthday. Photographs of the occasion in Windsor were taken, showing the monarch riding Bybeck Katie and Bybeck Nightingale, her two white fell horses.

She had mobility issues, thus she was unable to attend the Palace's customary summer garden celebration in May. Throughout 2022, she reduced a number of engagements.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Daily Caller.

Written by Staff Reports

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