
IRS Insider Exposes Weiss Sham, Reveals Biden Bias in Fox Interview

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley recently made an appearance on Fox Business to expose the sham that is David Weiss’ appointment as a special counsel. According to Shapley, Weiss is nothing more than a two-faced character, resembling the infamous Harvey Dent. On one side, he attempted to charge Hunter Biden multiple times but was denied, and on the other side, he allowed serious tax violations to slip away under the statute of limitations.

This intentional scuttling of the investigations has left many laughing at Attorney General Merrick Garland’s move, which appears to be a blatant attempt to obstruct congressional Republicans from obtaining Weiss’ testimony. It’s becoming increasingly clear that impeachment may be the only way to bring this inquiry into the alleged criminal activity of the Biden family to a close.

During his interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Shapley shared his concerns about Weiss’ appointment and shed light on the lack of independence in these probes. Shapley revealed that key witnesses were blocked from being interviewed, certain questions weren’t allowed to be asked, and individuals were tipped off about impending actions. Even enforcement operations and search warrants with agreed-upon probable cause were denied.

Shapley emphasized the misleading narrative pushed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding Weiss’ appointment. The DOJ constantly highlights that Weiss is a “Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney” in charge of the case, but that’s far from the truth. In fact, Weiss was turned down twice by U.S. Attorneys appointed by President Biden before he reluctantly took charge. This undermines the notion that Weiss was the ideal choice for an impartial investigation.

Furthermore, Shapley highlighted the contradictory assertions made by Weiss in letters sent to Congress regarding his charging authority. These conflicting claims raise serious doubts about the legitimacy and transparency of the Hunter Biden case. It’s also worth noting that Republicans are now unable to inquire about the peculiar authority Weiss was supposedly granted to decide whether to charge Hunter Biden. Attorney General Garland’s assurance of Weiss having the power to bring charges anywhere without clear authorization only adds to the chaos surrounding these investigations.

In the midst of this convoluted situation, opinions like those expressed by Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel further expose the Department of Justice’s questionable motives. Strassel specifically raised concerns about the missing letter of authorization that would substantiate Weiss’ special counsel-plus power. The Department of Justice’s operations seem to be deliberately designed to sow confusion and hinder the truth from coming to light.

With Gary Shapley’s credible testimony contradicting Attorney General Garland’s claims of independence, it’s evident that Weiss’ appointment is a sham. The American people deserve transparency, accountability, and fair investigations. It’s time for Congress to step in, get to the bottom of this, and hold those involved accountable for any wrongdoing.

Written by Staff Reports

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