Joe Rogan is a licenced gun owner.
Following a series of tragic shootings, Americans have been debating guns nonstop, and the big star disclosed on a latest episode that he had gone through the process of obtaining a permit to carry.
When comparing the process of getting a gun to getting a driver’s licence, Rogan explained, “When I got a concealed carry permit, I had to go through an extensive examination, which also involved showing that you’re proficient at shooting,”
The famous podcast presenter also inquired as to why it isn’t always necessary to do so in order to obtain a firearm. You can watch the rest of his remarks in the video below.
Rogan deserves credit while not being reluctant to admit that he claims to believe in the right to bear arms for self-defense. Most celebrities, particularly those who are in Hollywood, are staunch opponents of the 2nd Amendment.
Despite the fact that violent films make a lot of money, a bunch of folks in Hollywood act as if guns are terrible. The hypocrisy is disgusting.
Rogan is extremely well-known and wealthy, and he appears to believe that he needs the ability to carry a firearm for protection. That isn’t a problem at all.
This is USA, and we also have the right to bear arms under the law. Is that to say you should just go out and buy a gun for the sake of it? No, you should get a gun, practise with it, become familiar with it, and use it responsibly.
You’d better know what you’re doing if you really want to buy a handgun. The real world isn’t like the movies.
Rogan deserves kudos for keeping things honest as always. That is the kind of sincerity and authenticity that has made him so beloved.