Vice President Kamala Harris finds herself in a predicament that resonates with sitcom-level absurdity. Despite being in the presidential race for a entire three weeks and holding office for nearly four years, her official website remains devoid of any substantive policy proposals. This hasn’t stopped her from adding Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to her campaign, indicating that her focus might be more on optics than on outlining a coherent agenda.
For those keeping score, Harris made a name for herself as a U.S. Senator in a manner that would make any hardcore leftist proud. In what can only be seen as a contest for the title of “Most Radical,” she outpaced even Bernie Sanders in advocating for policies such as “Medicare for All” and the much-maligned “Green New Deal.” Her record glistens with commitments to defund the police and even a vow to ban fracking. To add insult to injury, she boycotted the largest pro-Israel conference in 2019, leaving many to wonder whose interests she truly represents.
Three Weeks into Joining Race, Kamala Harris Has No Policies
— NahBabyNah #Trump (@NahBabyNah) August 11, 2024
While Harris’s campaign promises might excite the progressives, her silence on specific policies might make even her most ardent supporters scratch their heads. There’s talk of unveiling a set of policies shortly, but the clock is ticking, and campaign momentum doesn’t thrive on vague promises. After all, voters are looking for more than just someone who can check off identity boxes; they want to know what a candidate actually plans to do if elected.
Interestingly, Harris has not held a press conference or participated in a traditional interview since jumping back into the race. Instead, she seems to be sticking to the technique of letting a few shouted questions from journalists serve as her entire outreach to the American people. This method may sound a little too much like hiding under the bed while hoping not to be found in a game of political hide-and-seek.
Those wondering where Harris stands may conclude that her campaign has embraced the philosophy of “no comment” while continuing to navigate through the leftist minefield with little more than a feather in her hat. It appears that accomplishing any meaningful policy or showcasing leadership might take a backseat to her strategy of claiming identity “firsts.” With Trump looming as a familiar specter, it’s clear that a well-rounded candidate might be the last thing on her mind.