
Kennedy Campaign Fires Employee for Misrepresenting Role

In a turn of events that might make even the smoothest political operators raise an eyebrow, the campaign for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has bid farewell to an employee who apparently took some creative liberties in describing her role and priorities within the campaign. Rita Palma, who had claimed to be the New York state director for the Kennedy campaign, was given the boot after a video surfaced in which she made some bold statements about taking down President Joe Biden in the 2024 election. It seems Ms. Palma might have inflated her title a tad and mischaracterized her conversations within the campaign.

The campaign’s director, Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, took to the airwaves to set the record straight, pointing out the inaccuracies in Ms. Palma’s claims and making it known that Ms. Palma was promptly shown the door once her misrepresentations came to light. It’s unclear exactly when the termination occurred, but one thing’s for sure: when the video made waves, it wasn’t long before Ms. Palma was looking for a new gig.

In the now-infamous video, Ms. Palma made it clear that she used to be in the Trump corner but hopped off that train due to his vaccination views. Lo and behold, she decided to hitch her wagon to Kennedy’s campaign, claiming that defeating Biden was the top priority for the country. However, the Kennedy camp was quick to distance themselves from Ms. Palma’s bold statements, emphasizing that her views were her own and did not reflect the campaign’s strategy.

In the aftermath of her swift departure from the campaign, Ms. Palma offered up some parting words, expressing her continued support for Kennedy and sharing her excitement about watching him take on the political world. Despite the campaign’s swift action to distance itself from Ms. Palma’s comments, she left with a smile, eager to see what the future holds for the Kennedy campaign.

It looks like yet another political journey has come to an end for Ms. Palma, but as they say, when one door closes, another one opens. And in the tumultuous world of politics, who knows what other opportunities may be just around the corner?

Written by Staff Reports

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