
Navy Mistake Spotted After Posting Backward Scope Photo

The Navy’s oopsie moment! ?‍♂️ The US Navy had a little faux pas when they posted a picture of Commander Cameron Yaste on their Instagram page, showing off his rifle skills. But here’s the kicker – the scope on his rifle was on backward! Whoops!

But leave it to the trusty folks of the internet to spot that mistake real quick, because let’s be real, nothing gets past those guys! They called out the Navy for the blunder, and the Navy wasn’t immune to a good ol’ social media bashing. One person was flabbergasted that no one, not even the captain or social media team, noticed the blunder. Can you believe it?

But wait, it gets even better! The Marines chimed in on the fun, posting their own picture with Marine Cpl. Joseph Helms holding a similar weapon, but with the scope on correctly! Alright, alright, we get it, Marines, you really know how to handle your guns. We didn’t need the reminder.

The Navy, in response to all the hoopla, graciously thanked everyone for pointing out the mistake and promptly took down the picture until they can give their team some “extra military instruction.” Translation: they had to go back to Gun Basics 101.

The Washington Examiner reached out to the Navy for comment on the incident, but let’s face it, the real takeaway from all this is that the Navy might want to invest in some gun-savvy social media consultants. Maybe add a “scope-checker” to the team? Just a thought.

But hey, in other news, the Navy managed to recruit over 30,000 active-duty sailors and 6,000 reserve sailors last year, so it looks like they’re still doing something right, despite the backward scopes and all. Keep on sailin’, Navy! ?

Written by Staff Reports

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