
Leftist Squabble: Biden’s Israel Problem Ignites Party Division!

A recent poll shows that the majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, support Israel. However, there is a small minority within the Democratic Party that favors the Palestinian cause and even fewer who support Hamas. These voices are mainly found among hardcore leftists, young voters, and Muslim-Americans. They have been demanding a ceasefire, which would only benefit the terrorists, and spreading anti-Israel slogans.

Surveys indicate that the further left one leans politically, the more likely they are to side against Israel and sympathize with the so-called ‘oppressed victims.’ They even go as far as celebrating or denying Israeli victimhood. The numbers are particularly alarming among Muslim-Americans and young voters who often lack proper information and rely on social media propaganda.

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, a leading ‘progressive,’ went on NBC to warn President Biden about his support for Israel. She claimed that the American people are not aligned with the President’s stance on Israel and Gaza. However, this perspective completely disregards Israel’s right to defend itself and labels any defensive action as a “war crime.” It is concerning to see such rhetoric gaining traction within the Democratic Party.

The potential consequences of these anti-Israel sentiments within the party could pose a serious problem for Democrats. It may lead to tensions within the party and alienate Jewish voters, a key demographic within their coalition. Additionally, there are indications that Muslim voters who previously supported Biden may walk away due to his pro-Israel stance. This could ultimately impact the President’s chances of re-election.

Despite these threats, it is crucial for Biden to remain steadfast in his support for Israel. Defending the country against Hamas terrorists is the right thing to do both morally and strategically. The potential political trade-offs are not worth sacrificing our principles. However, if these anti-Israel forces continue to grow within the Democratic base, it raises questions about the future direction of the party and our political landscape.

Written by Staff Reports

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