
Leftists Cheer as Trump Hit with Outrageous $355M Lawsuit Ban

In a shocking turn of events, the radical left-wingers are celebrating the unjust $355 million lawsuit against the esteemed former President Donald Trump. This ludicrous decision also bans him from conducting business in New York for three long years. It’s a real estate fraud case, alright, but the only fraud here are these baseless attacks on Trump! To add insult to injury, the law-abiding citizens of New York who are just trying to make an honest living are being made to suffer. Doesn’t this sound like something straight out of a dystopian novel?

In response to this preposterous judgment, law professor Jonathan Turley rightly pointed out the devastating impact it will have on New York’s business landscape. With this kind of ruthless persecution, who in their right mind would want to set up shop in the Big Apple? Drawing new businesses to the city is going to be about as easy as selling country estates during the French Revolution. It’s a grave injustice that may have far-reaching consequences for the future of New York.

And instead of addressing the legitimate concerns raised by the sensible opposition, New York Governor Kathy Hochul went into damage control mode. Her feeble attempts to assure the public that law-abiding business owners have nothing to worry about reek of insincerity. Hochul is clearly trying to spin the narrative in her favor, but those who see through her charade aren’t buying it. It’s nothing short of despicable how she’s trying to downplay the severity of the situation.

Even the influential figures in the business world aren’t mincing their words. “Shark Tank” investor Kevin O’Leary didn’t hold back in slamming the state of New York and vowing to never invest there again. He emphasized that the state was already a losing bet due to its exorbitant taxes and suffocating regulations, and this judgment only adds insult to injury. O’Leary’s scathing remarks reflect the widespread outrage and disbelief at the absurdity of the court’s decision. It’s a slap in the face to all hardworking entrepreneurs and investors who now see New York in a new, unfavorable light.

In conclusion, this gross miscarriage of justice has sent shockwaves through the business world and beyond. If a former president can be subjected to such blatant persecution, then no one is safe. New York’s reputation as a business-friendly state is now hanging by a thread, thanks to the irresponsible actions of a few. It’s time for the sensible voices to speak up and demand accountability for this outrageous turn of events.

Written by Staff Reports

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