
Liberals’ Latest Fairy Tale: “Trump Cases Vanished!”

Ah, the liberal rumor mill is at it again, spinning tales faster than a tornado in a trailer park! This time, they want you to believe that a judge has magically waved a wand and ended Special Counsel Jack Smith’s cases against the great Donald J. Trump. But hold on to your MAGA hats, folks, because this claim is about as credible as a unicorn sighting in Times Square!

Despite what the left-wing keyboard warriors are frantically typing on their Facebook posts, there is no truth to this wild allegation. In fact, both of Smith’s cases against Trump are not only alive and kicking, but they are gaining momentum faster than Joe Biden running for cover during a press conference.

In one corner, we have Trump facing a hefty $464 million bond in his civil fraud case in New York. Let’s just say his wallet is about to go on a crash diet faster than a liberal facing a work requirement for welfare benefits. But hey, who needs money when you have the unwavering support of the red, white, and blue-loving patriots across this great land?

And in the other corner, Judge Aileen Cannon is sharpening her legal eagle claws to oversee Trump’s case involving classified documents like a mama bear protecting her cubs. Meanwhile, Trump’s legal team is pulling out all the stops, even trying to invoke presidential immunity faster than you can say “fake news.”

But fear not, fellow conservatives, because justice will prevail! The truth will always triumph over the falsehoods spread by the left like a swarm of locusts. So let the liberal naysayers continue to clutch at their pearls and spread their fake news far and wide. Because in the end, the real winners will be the American people who stand strong with President Trump, no matter what the biased media tries to throw at him. So keep calm and MAGA on, my friends!

Written by Staff Reports

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