
Media Fails Again: Israel Smeared with Fake Gaza Video

In a recent report, a video circulating on social media claimed to show the destruction of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in Gaza by Israel. However, this claim has been deemed false upon further investigation. The video actually depicts the demolition of a different building, not the UNRWA headquarters.

It seems like the left-wing media is at it again, spreading misinformation and false narratives to demonize Israel. It’s no surprise that they would jump at any opportunity to criticize Israel, even if it means twisting the truth. This is just another example of the biased reporting that plagues the mainstream media.

According to CNN, the Egyptian government is erecting a wall along its border with Southern Gaza out of fear of potential Israeli military action. This shows the importance of national security and protecting borders, something that liberal activists often overlook in their misguided attempts to promote open borders.

It’s time for the public to be more discerning about the information they consume. Don’t fall for the fake news and propaganda that aims to vilify Israel and undermine its right to self-defense. We must stand with Israel, our ally in the Middle East, and support their efforts to protect their citizens from terrorism and aggression.


Written by Staff Reports

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