
Missouri AG Forces Biden Admin to Use Funds for Trump-Era Border Wall Completion

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has taken a bold step in the ongoing battle over immigration and border security, securing a court order that compels the Biden administration to use funds appropriated by Congress to complete the border wall initiated by former President Trump. This decision appears to have some states finally exhibiting a spine in the face of federal inaction, and many conservative voices are cheering on this tireless pursuit of rule of law.

The legislation in question isn’t just any old suggestion floating around in a thousand-page bill. Congress specifically allocated $1.4 billion to complete barriers along the southern border in the fiscal year 2020. That’s right—this isn’t a mere suggestion or a friendly nudge. This was hard cash tied to a clear directive: build the wall. However, as is often the case with the current administration, the law seems to bounce off them like water off a duck’s back. The Biden administration has consistently turned a blind eye to this congressional mandate, fostering a crisis at the border while claiming to prioritize compassion over legality.

When confronted about their reluctance to proceed, the Biden team actually had the audacity to state that building a wall simply isn’t compatible with their policies. This line of reasoning is akin to telling a plumber that fixing the leaky sink is just not their style, while they watch the water gush out on the floor. The Department of Homeland Security expressed an outright dismissal of wall expansion, showing their preference for anything but actual barriers—perhaps they envision a floating cloud of goodwill or virtual fences instead. Clearly, this administration has turned up its nose at the proper mandates handed down by Congress.

Nevertheless, Bailey’s legal action against Biden and his crew seems to have sent a shockwave of panic through the White House. Faced with the undeniable fact that they had few options left, they opted not to appeal the ruling. This moment was more than a fleeting victory; it is a testament to what can happen when a state stands up against federal negligence. And, of course, it gives the rest of the border states a flicker of hope in their own battles to see the border secured.

Missouri’s alignment with Texas in this scenario is not only strategic but also significant. While federal officials wish their responsibilities would simply disappear, state attorneys general are stepping up, proving they possess the constitutional standing to challenge government inaction. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling sets a crucial precedent, emphasizing that states have a role in holding the federal government accountable, especially when it comes to an issue that directly affects their sovereignty and safety. With the final nail in the wall complete, it’s a clear signal that when the federal government neglects its constitutional duties, states are ready to pick up the slack and fight back.

Written by Staff Reports

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