
Morgan Freeman Criticizes Black History Month, Advocates for Unified American History

Acclaimed actor Morgan Freeman has once again spoken out against the concept of Black History Month. In a recent interview, Freeman expressed his criticism, saying, “I detest it. The mere idea of it. You are going to give me the shortest month in a year? And you are going to celebrate ‘my’ history? This whole idea makes my teeth itch. It’s not right.” This is not the first time Freeman has been outspoken about his disapproval of Black History Month, as he has held this view for over two decades.

Freeman argues that Black American history is simply a part of American history and should not be singled out for a specific month of recognition. He believes that the promotion of exclusiveness through Black History Month does a disservice to the idea that all Americans share a common history. Freeman has also criticized the term “African American,” stating that “black” is a more concise and fitting term.

Furthermore, he emphasizes that the history of Black Americans is intertwined with the broader history of the United States. Freeman points out that Black Americans fought alongside white soldiers in pivotal moments of American history, such as the Civil War and the American Revolution. He also echoes the sentiment that the founding principles of the United States are colorblind, and that race should not play a role in determining the nation’s unity.

In light of the upcoming election, Freeman’s message underscores the urgency of combating efforts to divide Americans based on their racial backgrounds. The actor’s consistent stance against Black History Month reflects his belief in the unity of all Americans and the importance of recognizing a shared, collective history.

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Written by Staff Reports

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