
Must-See: Candace Owens Rips into Big Pharma on Maher’s Show!

Conservative firebrand Candace Owens made a big splash over the weekend when she spoke out against forced vaccine mandates. In a conversation with HBO host Bill Maher, Owens argued that kids are getting sicker than ever before because of the overwhelming number of vaccines they’re required to get in order to attend school or go to daycare.

Surprisingly, Maher and Owens found common ground on the issue, both agreeing that individuals should have the freedom to decide which vaccines they want to take and how much risk they’re comfortable with. Maher even brought up the controversial topic of children being forced to get vaccinated against Covid-19 against their will.

Owens chimed in, echoing his sentiment. She claimed that kids are incredibly sick these days, despite the fact that America is the most vaccinated country in the world. According to her, children are being ordered to get up to 75 vaccines now, whereas when she was a kid, it was only 12.

Owens’s concerns stem from her experience as a new mother, when she questioned the numerous vaccines her child’s doctors were recommending. Her distrust was further fueled by what she sees as fear campaigns on social media and pressure from the food and pharmaceutical industries. She believes that mainstream medical advice puts too much emphasis on narratives rather than factual evidence.

As part of her ongoing effort to challenge the status quo, Owens has released a new documentary called “A Shot in the Dark.” In it, she explores her skepticism about the vaccine regimen being pushed onto parents and shines a light on the powerful influence of social media and corporate interests. Owens has built a strong following in conservative circles by questioning mainstream narratives on topics like the Black Lives Matter movement and transgender issues.

In Owens’s view, parents should have the freedom to make their own choices about their children’s health and not be forced to comply with mandates that they may not agree with. Her documentaries aim to provide alternative perspectives and encourage critical thinking.

Written by Staff Reports

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