
New Video Contradicts FBI Chief on Undercover Agents at Jan 6 Riot

During a hearing last year, FBI Director Christopher Wray was questioned about the presence of undercover agents during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot. When asked, Wray stated that he did not think there were undercover agents at the scene. However, a new undercover video has been released, suggesting a different story.

In the video, a person claiming to be a contracting officer for the Central Intelligence Agency asserts that approximately 20 FBI agents were present at the Jan. 6 event. This individual also mentioned that he personally knows some of these agents who now work for the CIA.

The video also contains troubling comments about targeting individuals and the ease of manipulating situations to incriminate them. It has garnered attention on social media, with voices like Elon Musk and politicians such as Mike Lee, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Mike Collins expressing concern and advocating for stronger warrant requirements for FISA authorization.

These revelations raise questions about the actions of federal agencies and call for reform to prevent potential abuses of power.

Written by Staff Reports

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