
NYC Firefighters Boo AG James, Chant “Trump!” at Ceremony

On Thursday, NYC firefighters had a bone to pick with Attorney General Letitia James, and boy did they let her have it! The firefighters weren’t having any of her nonsense as she spoke at a promotion ceremony. They started booing her big time, drowning out her speech. And that’s not all – they even began chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!” Loud and clear, directly aimed at her relentless attacks against the one and only former President Donald Trump. Take that, James!

James, clearly taken aback by the hostile reception, tried to brush off the booing with a dismissive remark about being in a “house of God.” But let’s be real here, her attitude and behavior just keep showing her true colors. She even had the nerve to tell the firefighters to “simmer down” as if she were the teacher and they were misbehaving school kids. What a joke! The chants of “Trump, Trump, Trump!” only grew louder, and you could tell she was seething inside.

Now, Chief of Department John Hodgens chimed in, calling out the firefighters’ behavior as an embarrassment. But hold up, Chief! The real embarrassment here is having the likes of James, who clearly has a political vendetta, at a ceremony meant for celebrating the brave firefighters. I mean, who thought that was a good idea? It’s just plain disrespectful to the hardworking men and women of the FDNY.

Letitia James has a track record of letting her personal politics cloud her judgment, like when she tried to show off by trolling Trump with that massive civil fraud judgment. But come on, we all know it’s just a political stunt. She’s trying to ride the anti-Trump wave all the way to the top, just like Fulton County DA Fani Willis. But the FDNY wasn’t having any of it. They let her know loud and clear that her political games won’t fly with them.

And you know what? Radio host Mike Gallagher hit the nail on the head when he said this whole incident made his day. More people need to speak up against these kinds of political attacks disguised as justice. It’s a real threat to our democracy when these so-called leaders abuse their power for personal gain. Letitia James, take note – the FDNY sees right through your charade, and they’re not afraid to call you out on it. Keep fighting the good fight, patriots!

Written by Staff Reports

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