
NYT’s Columnist Admits Underestimating Hunter Biden Scandal!

In a surprising turn of events, New York Times columnist David Brooks has finally admitted that he “underestimated” the scandal surrounding Hunter Biden. It seems even the liberal media can no longer ignore the glaring issues surrounding the president’s son.

During an interview on “PBS NewsHour,” Brooks conceded that there might be some truth to the allegations of influence peddling by Hunter Biden. It’s about time he caught up with the rest of us conservatives who have been sounding the alarm bells for months.

However, Brooks was quick to throw a bone to the Democrats, claiming that Republicans can’t talk about impeachment without a crime. Well, isn’t that convenient? We’ve seen how quick Democrats were to rush to impeachment without any evidence during the Trump years. But when it comes to Hunter Biden, suddenly there needs to be a smoking gun?

Let’s not forget the laundry list of accusations against Hunter Biden. He’s already facing a court date for a gun charge, which only scratches the surface of his alleged wrongdoings. Federal prosecutors are gearing up to indict him on various charges, including tax crimes. Yet, the mainstream media continues to downplay these serious allegations.

In an op-ed for Fox News, Andrew McCarthy points out the absurdity of the situation. The gun charge should have been addressed years ago, but it seems Hunter Biden has managed to evade justice. The U.S. attorney for the district of Delaware, David Weiss, has failed to bring the case forward, allowing the statute of limitations to expire. It’s clear that there are some double standards at play here.

The ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s activities has left many conservatives skeptical of any meaningful consequences. It’s not surprising that people are worried he won’t be held accountable for most of his crimes. The Biden family seems to have a knack for escaping scrutiny. But let’s not forget, the truth has a way of surfacing, and the American people deserve answers. It’s time for the mainstream media to stop sweeping these allegations under the rug and start reporting the whole story.

Written by Staff Reports

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