In a shocking turn of events, a German judge has been sentenced to prison for daring to rule against the government’s mask mandates. Judge Christian Dettmar, known for his commitment to upholding the law, found himself on the wrong side of the authorities after he struck down a local government ordinance that required schoolchildren to wear masks in the state of Thuringia.
A court in #Germany sentenced a judge to prison for ruling against the government's #MaskMandates.
Judge Dettmar is set to lose his legal career and pension and to receive a 2-year suspended prison sentence for allegedly “perverting the law.”
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) August 27, 2023
Judge Dettmar’s decision was based on the concerns of a mother who noticed that her children were experiencing negative side effects from wearing masks, such as insomnia, nausea, and headaches. He ruled that the mask mandates were not compatible with the welfare of the children involved and instructed the schools in Weimar, Thuringia, to cease enforcing the order.
As expected, this ruling did not sit well with the state government, which called for Judge Dettmar’s punishment and removal from the judicial system. The judge’s decision was eventually overturned by the Higher Regional Court in Erfurt, which claimed that only an administrative court had the jurisdiction to make such a ruling.
Despite the backlash and the subsequent suspension from the bench, Judge Dettmar staunchly defended his decision, stating that he had consulted certified university experts before reaching his verdict. However, state prosecutors accused him of ruling as a political statement against lockdowns, rather than out of genuine concern for the children involved. They also alleged that he had deleted emails and files from his computers to cover up the reason behind his ruling.
In a bizarre twist, a police raid on Judge Dettmar’s home and office uncovered his mobile phone, which allegedly contained private correspondence revealing his bias against lockdown measures. Prosecutors further accused him of showing favoritism towards experts critical of the government’s lockdown rules.
Judge Dettmar now faces a two-year suspended prison sentence and the possibility of being dismissed from his duties as a judge. His legal team is considering an appeal, arguing that the trial was politically motivated and aimed at silencing dissent. The prosecutors, on the other hand, are appealing the sentence, claiming it is too lenient.
The case of Judge Dettmar highlights the contentious issue of mask mandates and the far-reaching consequences of challenging them. While Germany had eased most pandemic restrictions by 2022, the government and some politicians were quick to reimpose stricter mask rules. This case serves as a reminder that dissenting voices can face severe repercussions, even in supposedly democratic societies.
As mask mandates continue to be debated around the world, it remains to be seen how governments will handle those who dare to question their effectiveness. Will dissent be silenced, or will freedom of choice prevail? Only time will tell.