
Plummeting! Biden Loses Grip on Iowa as Females, Youths Jump Ship

President Joe Biden has taken a serious hit in support in Iowa, the state that the Democrats have conveniently forgotten about in recent years. According to the Emerson College Polling survey, Biden has dropped a staggering 19 points in caucus support. Thankfully for him, he still has a significant lead over his distant challengers, including the likes of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The mutiny against Biden was led by women and younger voters, who are clearly not impressed with his track record so far. The survey revealed that only 38% of Democratic voters under 30 support Biden in a caucus, and a whopping 41% of women are still undecided. Ouch! It seems like Biden’s appeal is wearing off among the groups he desperately needs to keep happy.

But here’s the kicker: instead of flocking to Kennedy or Marianne Williamson, voters are choosing “someone else/undecided” as their preferred option. In May, only 10% of Iowa voters were undecided, but now that number has skyrocketed to 34%. That’s a clear sign that they’re just not sold on Biden’s leadership.

On the Republican side, former President Donald Trump also saw a drop in support in Iowa. He fell 13 points, from 62% to 49%. Even Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis lost ground, dropping from 20% to 14%. Other candidates picked up a few points, but nothing significant. And poor old Mike Pence lost another two points, leaving him with just a measly 3% of support.

Despite all this, the likely outcome remains the same. Trump’s supporters are sticking by their man, with a whopping 79% saying they will definitely vote for the former president. Only 21% say they could change their mind. In a head-to-head matchup, Trump still leads Biden in Iowa, with a 50% to 39% advantage. Looks like Iowa hasn’t forgotten about Trump after all.

Written by Staff Reports

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