
Primary Day Showdown: GOP Aims for Knockout Wins in OH, FL, and CA!

Well, well, well, here we are again, folks! It’s primary day, and you know what that means – time for some good ole’ Republican wins! Even though we pretty much know who our main guys are (shoutout to President Trump and President Biden), there are still a few races worth watching closely.

In Ohio, all eyes are on the GOP Senate primary where the Trump-endorsed Bernie Moreno is battling it out against Frank LaRose and Matt Dolan. The Real Clear Politics Average says Moreno is ahead by a couple of points, but hey, anything can happen when it comes to politics, right?

Now, let’s talk about Florida, where the Democrats have clearly shown they have no faith in anyone other than Sleepy Joe Biden. Yep, they didn’t even bother putting anyone else on the ballot. Smart move, Democrats. Meanwhile, in California, they’re having a special election to fill the shoes of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Keep an eye on Vince Fong and Mike Boudreaux in that one.

As the polls close in different states throughout the evening, RedState will keep you updated with all the juicy details. So, stay tuned, patriots, and don’t forget to root for our conservative candidates. Let’s show those liberals what real leadership looks like!

Now, Susie Moore over at RedState is keeping tabs on all this action. She’s a rockstar who loves her Cardinals, Blues, Tigers, and Packers. Not to mention, she’s a foodie and a dog lover – what a combo! Make sure to follow her on Twitter and keep up with all her fantastic work.

And remember, folks, in the battle of red vs. blue, red always comes out on top! Let’s keep the conservative momentum going strong!

Written by Staff Reports

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