
Ramaswamy Crashes GOP Debate With Rogue Ad Spot!

In a bold move, Vivek Ramaswamy is making his presence known at the CNN Republican primary debate tonight, despite not being invited to participate. The candidate and his campaign have filmed a 30-second ad that will air during the debate between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, cleverly ensuring his voice is heard even in his absence from the stage.

Ramaswamy’s exclusion from the debate has raised eyebrows, especially considering his significant support in national polls. Despite meeting CNN’s criteria of receiving at least 10% in three separate national polls, he was left off the debate stage in favor of the so-called “establishment candidates.” Seems like the mainstream media may not be too fond of candidates who can’t be controlled, huh?

But Ramaswamy isn’t one to stay silent in the face of biased media tactics. His ad calls out the mainstream media for attempting to rig the Iowa GOP caucus and urges viewers to see through the deception and turn off the debate. It’s a timely reminder to voters not to be swayed by the media’s attempts to manipulate the political landscape.

Ramaswamy isn’t afraid to challenge the left-wing media’s biased reporting, having previously called out their lies during a CNN town hall. His boldness and refusal to back down from calling out fake news sets him apart from other candidates who may not challenge CNN’s biased moderators with the same intensity.

The exclusion of Ramaswamy from the debate and his subsequent ad serve as a stark reminder of the importance of truly fair and impartial reporting in politics. As the 2024 election draws near, voters must be informed without the influence of biased media. Ramaswamy’s ad is a bold statement against the mainstream media’s attempts to control the narrative, and it’s a message that resonates with many conservative voters.

So, will the CNN debate truly be a fair and balanced forum for political discussion, or will it be clouded by biased reporting and favoritism? The exclusion of a strong candidate like Ramaswamy speaks volumes about the state of media influence in politics today. Let’s hope that the debate serves as an opportunity for transparency and fair representation, rather than furthering the agenda of the mainstream media elites.

In the face of media bias, candidates like Ramaswamy need to find alternative ways to make their voices heard. The ad airing during the debate is a testament to his determination to break through the establishment’s control and deliver his message directly to the voters. It’s a bold move that highlights the importance of challenging biased media and fighting for fair representation in political discourse.

If there was ever a time for patriots to band together and fight back against the elite’s attempts to control the narrative, it’s now. With the 2024 election looming, Ramaswamy’s ad serves as a powerful reminder of the uphill battle against biased reporting and the importance of supporting candidates who refuse to be silenced by the mainstream media’s efforts to dictate the political landscape.

Written by Staff Reports

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