
Reagan Biographer Rips Bias Survey: Biden Over Reagan, Seriously?

When asked about a recent survey ranking Joe Biden as the 14th “greatest president” in history, renowned Ronald Reagan biographer Craig Shirley didn’t hold back. He slammed the survey’s experts as left-leaning educators and declared, “It made me gag.”

Shirley, who just released his latest book, The Search for Reagan, and is starting on a biography of former President Donald Trump, didn’t mince words. He vehemently stated, “Joe Biden is a terrible, terrible person. He is going to go down in history as the worst president in American history, mark my words.”

Continuing his fiery remarks, Shirley ridiculed the notion of Biden being a great president, calling it “nonsense” and “poppycock.” He challenged anyone to name one thing Biden has been successful at other than spending money, dismissing it as a task that “any moron can do.”

The survey, conducted by the “Presidential Greatness Project” and based on rankings by members of the American Political Science Association, found Biden ahead of Reagan and Trump. For the conservative scholars, this result was nothing short of outrageous.

The top five rankings, dominated by liberal scholars, included Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, and Thomas Jefferson. Unsurprisingly, Reagan was placed 16th, and Trump was ranked dead last at No. 45.

Shirley didn’t miss the opportunity to express his outrage at Reagan and Trump’s rankings. Despite their differences, he emphasized the common ground between the two former presidents on crucial issues. He underlined their shared defiance of authority and challenge to the Washington establishment, stressing the parallels between their approaches to politics and society.

In Shirley’s eyes, the rankings and Biden’s placement above Reagan served as another example of the biased agenda of left-leaning scholars who seek to rewrite history to fit their narrative. He warned that honest historians would ultimately recognize Biden as a failure and the worst president in American history, echoing the sentiments of many conservative pundits and supporters across the nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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