In response to allegations of antisemitism, Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, said she was not aware of the traditional Jewish stereotypes.
She was interviewed on CNN's "State of the Union" with hosts Dana Bash and Jake Tapper. She was joined by California congressmen Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff.
During the interview, Omar was asked about her controversial February 2019 tweet about members of Congress taking bribes from Israel.
"When asked about the word "hypnotized," Omar said that she was not aware of the term's existence. She also noted that she had not been aware of the various tropes about money and Jews."
The use of anti-semitic language by Omar was condemned. After she was rebuked by the Democratic leadership, she issued an apology. She also thanked her Jewish colleagues and friends for educating her about the history of antisemitic stereotypes.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that he would remove Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee. Three Republican members of the House refused to support the measure, which would prevent it from passing.
In addition, McCarthy removed Swalwell and Schiff from the Intelligence Committee. He stated that he could not put partisan loyalty above national security. After he was removed from committee, Schiff announced that he would run for the Senate.
The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Daily Caller.