
Republicans ROAR With Laughter At Biden Lies

Joe Biden’s State of the Union address was full of memorable moments, many of which were humorous and some of which were downright ridiculous. One of the most outrageous moments came when Biden suggested that waiters and waitresses have to sign non-compete agreements. This was quickly debunked by Politifact, who stated that this claim was false.

The line about non-competes came when Biden was discussing how workers are often “stiffed” and not paid what they are worth. He suggested that a cashier at a burger place cannot cross the street to take the same job at another burger place to make a couple bucks more. This statement was met with laughter from Republicans in the audience, who knew the statement to be false.

This wasn’t the first time that Biden had made this false claim. In late July, he said that McDonald’s workers had to sign non-compete agreements that prevented them from working for a competing fast food chain such as Burger King. Again, Politifact debunked this statement, saying that any McDonald’s worker who quit to work at a Burger King is free to do so.

The audience was also entertained by Biden’s bickering with the crowd. He got flustered when Republicans booed him as he lied about their intention to cut Medicare and Social Security. This moment was captured on video and shared on social media.

Overall, Biden’s State of the Union address was full of memorable moments, many of which were humorous and some of which were downright ridiculous. His false claims about non-competes and McDonald’s workers were met with laughter and disbelief from the audience, while his bickering with the crowd provided an entertaining moment.

The preceding article is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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