
RFK Jr. Claims: Media Scorns Him Even More than Trump!

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not happy with how the media is treating him during his 2024 campaign. In an interview on FOX News, RFK Jr. said that the coverage of his campaign is even worse than the way they treated President Donald Trump. He claims that he has been slammed in a way that is unprecedented. RFK Jr. even went as far as saying that if he believed the things written about him in the papers and reported on the mainstream news sites, he wouldn’t vote for himself. That’s pretty harsh!

Now, RFK Jr. has been receiving a lot of backlash for his comments about COVID-19 vaccines. He suggested that the virus could have been targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. And then he went on to say that it was engineered to spare Jewish and Chinese people. Wow, those are some wild claims! It’s no wonder that his own sister called his comments “deplorable.” But RFK Jr. is denying all accusations of racism and antisemitism. He says he never suggested that the virus was targeted to spare Jews.

Well, it’s clear that RFK Jr. has some controversial opinions. And it seems like the media isn’t too happy about it. But let’s not forget that this is the same media that has been attacking President Trump nonstop for the past four years. So maybe RFK Jr. has a point? This just goes to show that the mainstream media is quick to jump on anyone who doesn’t fit their narrative. It’s no wonder that people are turning to alternative sources for their news. We need to support politicians who are willing to speak their minds, even if the media doesn’t like it!

Written by Staff Reports

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