
RNC Unleashes Fiery Vid Exposing Biden’s Border Blunders

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has dropped a bombshell video that exposes President Joe Biden’s trail of “lies” about the crisis at the southern border. The jaw-dropping four-minute video, exclusively revealed to Breitbart News, tracks Biden and his administration’s misleading statements about the border situation from 2021 to 2023, showcasing their ever-changing narrative.

In the video, viewers are taken on a wild rollercoaster ride through footage of Biden and his top officials repeatedly downplaying the border crisis. In one instance from March 2021, Biden boldly declared that his administration had “gotten control” after a surge in migrant arrivals. Fast forward to September 2022, Vice President Kamala Harris brazenly insisted that they had a “secure border,” despite mounting evidence to the contrary. And let’s not forget about Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who boldly testified under oath that the border was secure and continually emphasized their efforts to enhance its security.

But hold onto your hats, folks, because the climax of the video is a real shocker – a clip from February 2024 shows Biden switching gears and admitting, “For much too long, the immigration system has been broken.” The nerve! This comes right on the heels of the Senate’s pro-migration border bill falling flat on its face due to overwhelming Republican opposition. Those crafty Republicans are onto something – arguing that Biden could have single-handedly fixed the border through executive action all along.

RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel didn’t hold back in her scathing statement to Breitbart News, lambasting Biden for his shameless flip-flopping on the border crisis. According to McDaniel, “Joe Biden ignored the southern border and denied that a crisis existed for years – but now, he’s pretending to change his tune when it’s politically convenient.” She further hammers the point home, claiming that Biden’s disastrous open border policies have allowed in criminals, deadly fentanyl, and spawned an unparalleled humanitarian crisis across all states – no one is safe under the rule of Biden.

And if that’s not enough, brace yourselves for a showdown at the southern border as both Biden and former President Donald Trump prepare to lock horns in Texas. It’s going to be one for the history books, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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