
Steelworkers Rally Behind Biden, Spurning Foreign Takeover Threat

In a stunning turn of events, the United Steelworkers have thrown their support behind President Joe Biden, just days after he made it crystal clear that he is dead set against the sale of U.S. Steel to a foreign competitor. This bold move by the union comes as no surprise, as it is clear that President Biden has been a longtime advocate for the working class.

USW President David McCall proclaimed, “President Biden has repeatedly shown his unwavering support for hardworking American families. His steadfast dedication to strengthening workers’ access to collective bargaining, uplifting the middle class, and paving the way for widespread prosperity has not gone unnoticed.”

During a recent conversation between Biden and McCall, the president reassured the union leader that he “has the steelworkers back,” a statement that undoubtedly resonated deeply with the hardworking men and women of the steel industry.

The sale of U.S. Steel to the Japanese firm Nippon Steel has drawn opposition from both President Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump. This bipartisan agreement underscores the grave concerns surrounding this deal, which is currently under review by the Committee on Foreign Investment. The United Steelworkers have made it abundantly clear that they stand united in their opposition to this potential sale.

After months of careful consideration and extensive member surveys, the union ultimately decided to throw its weight behind President Biden. Their endorsement is a resounding vote of confidence in the president’s vision for the future of American workers and their families.

President Biden’s landmark legislation, such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, has solidified his commitment to creating high-quality union jobs and fostering healthier communities across the nation. The sweeping investments championed by President Biden represent a significant step forward for the American working class.

It is unmistakably clear that both presidential candidates are vying for the title of the ultimate pro-worker, pro-American manufacturing politician. However, President Biden’s track record, coupled with his unwavering support for American workers, has earned him the backing of the United Steelworkers.

Furthermore, President Biden’s resolute stance on maintaining tariffs on China, a policy introduced by his predecessor, Donald Trump, shows that he is committed to protecting American manufacturing and leveling the playing field for hardworking Americans.

With the majority of non-police unions throwing their support behind President Biden, it is apparent that his dedication to championing the rights and livelihoods of American workers has not gone unnoticed. The endorsement from the United Steelworkers serves as a powerful testament to President Biden’s unwavering commitment to the working class.

Written by Staff Reports

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