
Trudeau Blames Israel Without Facts: Hamas Bomb Misfires?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has once again shown his true colors by quickly condemning Israel for the bombing of a hospital in Gaza. The problem is, Israel denied any involvement in the attack, and it now seems that the bombing was actually caused by a Hamas bomb gone astray. But why let facts get in the way of Trudeau’s rush to judgment?

Trudeau wasted no time in expressing his outrage, stating that the news from Gaza was “horrific and absolutely unacceptable.” He went on to lecture about the importance of respecting international humanitarian and law in all cases. Well, Mr. Trudeau, perhaps you should take your own advice and respect the fact that Israel disavowed any responsibility for the attack.

Of course, Trudeau didn’t explicitly blame Israel for the bombing, but his words still gave the impression that they were at fault. Now, the media spin machines are working overtime to absolve him of any blame, claiming that he didn’t directly point fingers. Give us a break. It’s clear where his sympathies lie.

Conservative commentator Sabrina Maddeaux certainly doesn’t buy Trudeau’s attempt to backtrack. In an article for the National Post, she called his rush to judgment an embarrassment for Canada. She rightly criticized him for taking Gaza’s word at face value and not considering the possibility that they could be propagandizing the bombing to smear Israel’s reputation.

While Biden, during his visit to Israel, acknowledged the likelihood that the bombing was the work of Hamas, Trudeau’s cabinet members were still suggesting that Israel was responsible. It’s truly embarrassing that our leaders would ignore evidence and contradict the findings of our closest ally.

Maddeaux even raised doubts about whether the hospital was actually bombed, noting that the damage seemed confined to the parking lot. It’s unclear if the claimed death toll of 500 was caused by a parking lot bomb. The truth is still up in the air, but Trudeau and his liberal cronies seem more interested in pushing their biased agenda.

Trudeau and his liberal supporters have an ingrained bias against Israel. They seem to have an internalized belief that Israel is the aggressor and constantly violates international law. It’s a shame that they refuse to see the reality of the situation. Israel has been under attack by Hamas, and they have been doing their best to warn civilians before launching any strikes. But Trudeau and his ilk would rather ignore these facts and cling to their own biased narrative.

It’s time for Trudeau and his liberal colleagues to drop the blinders and start recognizing the truth. Israel is not the bad guy here. They are merely defending themselves against terrorists who seek their destruction. It’s about time our leaders understand that and start supporting our true allies.

Written by Staff Reports

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