
Trump Attorney Validates: POTUS’s Right to Question 2020 Georgia Votes!

In a recent interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” President Donald Trump’s attorney, John Lauro, stood up for his client’s phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Lauro dismissed any allegations of wrongdoing on Trump’s part and defended the call as an inquiry into potential election irregularities. According to Lauro, Trump had every right to question the Secretary of State about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. He argued that it was simply a matter of seeking the truth and ensuring that no illegal votes were counted.

During the call, which was later released in transcript form by media outlets, Trump asked Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes,” the number needed to surpass his margin of loss in Georgia. Trump expressed confidence in his victory and urged the state election officials to thoroughly investigate any alleged irregularities. However, Raffensperger disputed Trump’s claims and maintained that they were either inaccurate or untrue.

Lauro emphasized that Trump’s request was not a threat but rather a genuine desire to uncover the truth. He argued that the former president believed there were more than 10,000 illegally counted votes and wanted the Secretary of State to take appropriate action. Lauro further asserted that Trump had every right to petition the state government and that his request was simply an “aspirational ask.”

In response to the recent indictments faced by Trump, including charges related to the Jan. 6 events at the Capitol, Lauro accused the Biden administration of politically motivated attacks. He claimed that President Joe Biden and his Justice Department were engaging in a “political prosecution” against a former president who was carrying out his duties as the head of the nation. Lauro criticized the timing of these charges, characterizing them as election interference.

As a conservative news writer, it’s clear that Lauro’s defense of Trump aligns with a more partisan perspective. While some may view the phone call as an inappropriate attempt to interfere with the election results, Lauro frames it as a legitimate inquiry driven by a desire to uphold the integrity of the democratic process.

Written by Staff Reports

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