
Trump Crushes Biden in Polls, Key Demographics Flee Dems

In a recent poll conducted by the New York Times and Siena College, former President Donald Trump is making a massive comeback, leaving President Biden in the dust. Trump is ahead by a solid five points among registered voters, claiming 48 percent of support compared to Biden’s measly 43 percent. And among likely voters, Trump maintains a four-point lead, signaling a strong chance of victory in the upcoming elections.

It’s no surprise that Trump is gaining momentum, especially with key demographics shifting their allegiance. Biden is losing support among groups that once staunchly supported him, like black voters whose backing has plummeted to 66 percent from their previous 90 percent support in 2020. On the other hand, Trump is dominating among white voters with 53 percent and even scoring a plurality of Hispanic voters with 46 percent.

Independent voters, a crucial swing group, were evenly split between Trump and Biden, indicating a lackluster performance by the current administration in appealing to this critical voting bloc. Trump’s support remains rock solid as 97 percent of 2020 Trump voters are sticking with him, a stark contrast to Biden’s tepid 83 percent retention rate.

The enthusiasm chasm between Republican and Democratic voters is staggering, with over 75 percent of Republican primary voters buzzing with excitement for Trump’s potential return to office while only 46 percent of Democrats feel the same about Biden. In fact, two-thirds of Democratic voters seem either uninterested or disenchanted with Biden’s re-election bid.

Shockingly, even some former Biden supporters have jumped ship to Team Trump, with 10 percent of respondents admitting they voted for Biden in the last election but are now firmly in Trump’s camp. Seems like Biden’s charm offensive isn’t working on everyone, especially when it comes to the economy and inflation where a majority of voters give him failing marks.

The writing is on the wall, and it spells trouble for Biden. Trump is surging, Biden is floundering, and the conservative base is fired up and ready to storm the ballot boxes. If these trends hold, it looks like the White House might just have a new resident come next election. Get ready for the Trump train, America!

Written by Staff Reports

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