
Biden Trails Trump: Dems Hit Panic Mode in Poll Plunge

The liberal meltdown is in full swing as President Joe Biden faces a tough new poll showing him trailing behind former President Donald Trump. Cue the panic buttons for the Democrats! A recent New York Times and Siena College poll has Biden lagging five points behind Trump, and to add insult to injury, only 83 percent of Biden’s 2020 supporters are sticking by him, with a shocking ten percent jumping ship to Team Trump. It’s like watching a slow-motion car crash for the lefties.

Prominent Democrats are sweating bullets over these dismal numbers, with Washington Rep. Adam Smith admitting that the level of freak out is sky high within the party. The reasons for the Biden blues range from concerns about his age to his lackluster campaigning skills and the left’s attacks on him over Gaza. Even some Dems are whispering that they wish Biden and his team were stronger campaigners. Ouch.

But it’s not just losing voters to Trump that’s giving the Democrats heart palpitations – Biden is hemorrhaging support from traditionally blue voting blocs, as noted by the New York Times. Latinos are flocking to Trump, and women are looking at the two candidates with equal favor. The Democrats’ playbook seems to be missing a few pages, and the panic button has been hit so hard, it’s practically stuck.

As the rumblings of discontent grow louder, some Democrats are acknowledging the harsh reality of the situation. Voter sentiment on the economy is bottoming out, and there’s a noticeable slide in support among voters of color. The wake-up call is ringing loud and clear – things need to change, and fast. Denying the troubling poll results won’t make them disappear, and telling people to calm down is like trying to stop a tsunami with a beach umbrella.

Biden’s campaign is trying to brush off the poll disaster, with communications director Michael Tyler claiming they are “ignoring the noise.” But let’s face it, this is more than just a blip on the radar. With 43% of voters feeling the sting of Biden’s policies personally, it’s clear that the Democrats have some major course correction to do. Maybe it’s time to trade in the panic buttons for a reality check and some genuine introspection.

Written by Staff Reports

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