
Trump Dares Biden to Debate and Golf Duel for Charity

Former President Donald Trump threw down the gauntlet yet again, challenging President Biden to a debate so devoid of restraints it could rival a WWE showdown. Trump didn't stop there; he upped the ante with a golf match where a million dollars for charity was at stake. And who can forget, Trump is confident "Sleepy Joe" will be too scared to step up to the plate because, as Trump believes, Biden's nothing but a "phony" and a "fake."

This spectacle unfolded at Trump National Doral Miami, where Trump called out Biden's lackluster performance in their first debate. The 81-year-old Democrat needs a chance to redeem himself, an opportunity Trump generously offers. Here's how he wants it: no moderators, no filters, just two men duking it out verbally, mano a mano. The offer is open: any time, any place.

And as if verbal jousting isn't enough, Trump has also issued a golf challenge. He finds it laughable that Biden thinks he stands a chance on the green, poking fun at Biden's swing as a prime example. Not only would Trump compete in an 18-hole match, but he is also willing to spot Biden 20 strokes, demonstrating just how confident he is in both his golf skills and Biden's ineptitude.

Trump threw the bait: win the debate, win the golf game, and earn a cool million for any charity Biden chooses. Despite the grand promises, Trump remains skeptical, firmly betting that Biden won't muster the courage to accept. The former president is convinced Biden's all talk and no action.
Before this public challenge, Trump hinted about his prospective running mates, with Marco Rubio making a conspicuous appearance in the crowd. 

This outing was Trump's first rally in a fortnight, a period where Biden's recent debate stumbles heavily dominated political conversations.
Trump's ridicule came on the heels of a heated national discussion that saw Biden struggling to keep up and debate his prowess. Meanwhile, Trump's recent legal troubles involving 34 felony counts seem to have taken a backseat amidst Biden's gaffes and the fresh announcements swirling around the upcoming Republican National Convention.

And let's not forget Nikki Haley, a former key figure in the Trump administration, recently urged the delegates she won to back Trump, rallying the party closer to a Trump coronation in Milwaukee. As always, Trump knows how to keep the spotlight on him, with another rally planned in Butler, Pennsylvania, ensuring his narrative remains firmly in control.

Written by Staff Reports

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