
Trump Ditches $500M Lawsuit On Snitch Cohen…For Now!

As a surprise, former President Donald Trump has dropped his $500 million case against Michael Cohen, who used to be his lawyer and fixer. Trump had said that Cohen was spreading lies on purpose and doing a lot of damage to Cohen's image by talking about the hush money payments he made to women during his 2016 campaign. Trump did not give up his right to sue again, though.

Trump was set to give a statement in the case just a few days before the lawsuit was dropped. A spokesman for Trump said that the suit was being put on hold for now so that Trump could focus on his campaign for president and his fights against criminal charges in four different states. The Trump spokesman made it clear that the president plans to file the suit again at a later time.

Cohen was overjoyed right away and said that the case was just an attempt to scare him as a way of getting back at him. He sees being fired as a win in his quest to testify against Trump in a truthful way. Cohen's lawyers are now set on holding Trump responsible for what they say is his abuse of the court system.

This lawsuit, which was filed in Miami, gave us a taste of the points that Trump is likely to use to defend himself against charges of lying about business records. It is said that these records were used to hide payments made during the 2016 presidential campaign to stop people from saying that the candidate had affairs with other women. Trump has denied many times that he did anything wrong.

We don't know how this case will turn out in the future, but for now, the fight in court between Trump and Cohen has taken a strange turn. With Trump's sights set on the White House once more, there is no doubt that he will keep going after Cohen hard when the time comes.

Written by Staff Reports

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