
Trump Joins Johnson in Slamming Dems’ Radical Abortion Agenda

In a fiery appearance on Breitbart News Daily, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) called out the extreme leftist Democrats and their radical stance on abortion, highlighting how even former President Donald Trump has taken notice. Johnson revealed that Trump is gearing up to release a statement on abortion to expose the Democrats’ extreme position and lay out his own stance on the polarizing issue. The senator expressed frustration with the establishment media for failing to shine a light on the Democrats’ support of late-term and even post-birth abortions, emphasizing the need for Trump’s message to break through this biased filter.

The conversation with host Mike Slater revealed their frustration, with Slater identifying himself as an “extreme pro-lifer” and expressing support for Trump’s more moderate position. They both condemned the Democrats’ far-reaching support for late-term abortions, contrasting it with the position held by the vast majority of Americans. Johnson underscored that most people, both in the U.S. and around the world, oppose abortions after 20 weeks, emphasizing that even most European countries limit the procedure to 12 weeks or less.

Furthermore, Johnson pointed to the scientific evidence of fetal development to highlight the humanity of unborn children. He spotlighted the crucial milestone of a baby’s heartbeat beginning as early as five to six weeks into pregnancy, dismissing the Democrats’ callous disregard for the sanctity of life. Johnson emphasized the need for a state-by-state approach to tackling the complex moral question of when society should intervene to protect the unborn.

The interview with Sen. Johnson comes on the heels of President Biden’s vocal commitment to supporting women’s rights to terminate their pregnancies, even at the expense of the unborn child’s life. Johnson’s impassioned critique of the Democrats’ extreme abortion position aligned with the fervent pro-life sentiment championed by Trump and conservative voices. With Trump poised to make a public stand on abortion, the battle lines on this contentious issue continue to be drawn, stirring fierce debates and deepening the ideological chasm between conservatives and liberals. But with the heartfelt determination of figures like Johnson and the unyielding pro-life movement, the fight for the rights of the unborn remains a steadfast and unshakeable cause.

Written by Staff Reports

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